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Robert L. Giron

Issue 60 — Rafael Ayala Paez, Twish Mukherjee

Rafael Ayala Paez

Poems of Rafael Ayala Paez

Translated by Emanuel Xavier

Meditation in winter

The rain is an animal inside my body.

Its skin sketches itself on to my skin

and on the northern extreme of the sky I watch her being born.

The rain notes musical,

hypnotizes the fear the pain

fraying its edges

now comes the peace.

Copyright c 2013 by Emanuel Xavier.

Meditacion en invierno

La lluvia es un animal dentro de mi cuerpo.

Su piel se dibuja en mi piel

y en el extremo norte del cielo la veo nacer.

La lluvia nota musical,

hipnotiza el miedo el dolor

deshilachando sus bordes

ahora viene la paz.

Copyright c 2013 by Rafael Ayala Paez.

Always on the threshold

Fear is a strange country.

A fish that rises from the depths

to the surface of my senses

eclipsing them.

Fear asphyxiates the words,

I could only hear them inside of me.

Nameless place

where neither the echo of my voice

can be heard.

Copyright c 2013 by Emanuel Xavier.

Siempre en el umbral

El miedo es un pais extrano.

Un pez que sube desde las profundidades

hasta la superficie de mis sentidos


El miedo asfixia las palabras,

sýlo las puedo escuchar dentro de mi.

Lugar sin nombre

donde ni el eco de mi voz

puede ser oido.

Copyright c 2013 by Rafael Ayala Paez.


Rafael Ayala Paez, of Zaraza, Venezuela, is a graduate of Universidad Nacional Experimental Simýn Rodrýguez (UNESR). Founding member of the Municipal Writers Network of Zaraza. His poems have been published in El caracol de espuma, the literary supplement Letras Ccs of the newspaper Ciudad Caracas, in the journal Negro sobre Blanco, in La Revista Azahar (Spain), in Isla Negra and Argenpress (Argentina). His poems have been translated into German, English and French. His published book include: Bocados de silencio (2012) and El libro de los dias.

Emanuel Xavier, of Brooklyn, is a poet, novelist and translator. He has published: Mariposas: A Modern Anthology of Queer Latino Poetry (2008), Christ Like (2009), If Jesus Were Gay & other poems (2010), Me No Habla With Acento (2011), and Pier Queen (2012).

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Twish Mukherjee0

Bird's Eye-View

Look below.

Faint music rises, crawls up the high-rise,

scraping against the glass panes

of closed windows, until

the window that opens into a bedroom

where the man and the woman engage

in hot debate about the weather

and breathe sick affection into the sheets

to be washed away the next day.

The tramp occupies the pavement

for the warmer part of the day

when he knows his hat will save him

from old friends from school

who march to certainties every day,

cursing the realist and the romantic

with equally withered enthusiasm

and equally energetic doubt.

The cars are playing hide-and-seek

red and blue and yellow and green

waiting for a touch of a fair and fleshy palm

waiting for tears, laughs, screams, and calm,

waiting all day in mesmerising motion

along a stiff woollen cardigan.

All of them will welcome death,

their gods be condemned to live.

Look below.

Copyright c 2013 by Twish Mukherjee.


Twish Mukherjee is a young filmmaker from India who made his debut feature Nothing Unusual in 2013. He designs a children's monthly called The Little Messenger. He writes the most when he is bankrupt.

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